Sunday, March 29, 2009

Diet Coke Update

(Above picture not taken today)

Sunday , "A Day of Rest", well that's what it is supposed to be. But the reality is when you have children ages 7, 5 and 3 there is never any rest. Sunday is no exception. Now that church starts at 11am my children who usually can't get out of bed during the week on there own before 7:30 arise at 6:30 am. We then have a BIG breakfast (trying to fill them up to get through lunch time church), I clean up, get everyone dressed, we eat again, I clean up again and off we go. At this point I have had at least 2 diet cokes. I have been known to go to the store on Saturday just to get a few of these Beauties to get through a Sunday. Then when we get home everyone is tired and hungry and we go through the lunch/dinner, cleaning up, crafting faze of the day. 

Again I'm hitting the Good Stuff. 

This Sunday I had two sick, cranky, not so fun little girls to stay home with. Much harder then the average Sunday I've decided. They have been sick for a couple of day's so they are past the napping and watching t.v. phase of illness.  

At one point I was losing it a little (a lot really) and was getting ready to load the girls in the car, saying the heck with it "who cares if it is the Sabbath, Heavenly Father would totally understand what I'm going through right now", and heading to McDonald's for an XL Diet, extra ice.  

But I Did It!!!  Instead I resisted the temptation and instead sent the girls to separate rooms and read a book for a half hour. I'm feeling pretty good. 

Only 33 day's to go!


Erin said...

Good for you Katy! I'm proud of you and SO impressed with Todd getting all the kids up and dressed for school. I am really stressed about 8:00 Kindergarten next year! I feel stressed and rushed to get us all ready and out the door by 8:40. No more TV and dress-ups before clothes in the morning (which is our usual routine).

Oh...and that picture at the top of your post is SO cute!!!

Shari said...

You are a rock!!! Wow, amazing. Good job!