Friday, March 27, 2009

Best Week Ever

Todd and I decided to write out what our "Best Week Ever" was and make it happen, NO MATTER WHAT! 

What is the Best Week Ever mean? Well basically it's Todd and I getting in our workouts, dinner's planned, FHE happening and other important things done in a non-rushing, non-hectic manner. Also it includes some FUN, FUN, FUN. Like beach evenings and dates for Todd and I! But the most important part of the BWE is that no matter what we get the things done that are written down. The great thing about writing it all down is that Todd and I are on the same page. We have a schedule together and then if something changes we can help each other out. We are hoping this leads to some good habits and less stress. 

We are starting next week. I did mine this week but had some hiccups. Like Sydney staying home for two day's sick. That can really screw up a mom's personnel schedule. Then preschool carpool went south due to Field Trips and Bella being Unique of the Week hitting us. But I have to say over all it was a good practice run. 

In MY perfect world each day I would be happily working out early in the morning and Todd would be getting kids up. I know that can't happen every day but it did a few mornings this week. See usually if I work out early in the morning I come home and everyone is still sleeping! That means rushing around, maybe a little yelling and STRESS to get Sydney to school by 7:58! Todd really stepped it up this week. He is NOT a morning person.  I got home this week and all the kids were up, beds made and everyone was coming downstairs dress and on schedule. I'm really proud of him because he is NOT a morning kind of guy (did I say that already!). Also it's hard to get Sydney out of bed. Some morning she has to be carried down from the top bunk to get her to start moving for the day!

Next week will be even better because we will be putting both of our BWE schedules together. 

Are you still waiting to find out what that picture at the top of the pages means???? Todd and I have caught the fitness bug at the same time! Todd has started a regular workout schedule and he wanted to stop drinking soda. So in support we are both off soda. I'm a little scared. To make it even better!!! (not really being truthful in that statement)  I'm off sugar again for 5 weeks too. O.k. I'm on day 3 of no sugar and we are on day 2 of no soda so wish us luck.

Quick update- I started writing this post yesterday. Last night Todd and I went out to dinner and neither of us had a coke or dessert. Wow!



Shari said...

I really am amazed. About the no sugar and no soda and oh yeah....about the BWE schedule thing but mostly I'm amazed by the no sugar and no soda.

Don't give in! You can do it.

Unknown said...

Katy, You can so do it!!!! Call me anytime day or night (Ok, maybe just day) for moral support. I will forever be your bootcamp buddy! xoxo

Ann said...


"Laura" is my sister. The comment is from me! She must have been on my computer last and not logged out! I'm your bootcamp buddy, not Laura! :) Ann

Katy said...

So funny- I thought I was having a Senior moment for a minute when I read Laura's comments! Thank you,