Monday, December 7, 2009

What I Have Not Been Doing

I have not been blogging as some of you might have noticed. I'm realistic, I know only about 3 people ever look in on us, Wilson Family SD.

But I do apologized to you 3. Especially to you who have me listed on your blogs and have to look at how long it has been since I posted every time you log into your blog.

I have had a hard time wanting to blog or read blogs even. Everyone is always so happy, crafty, productive and cheerful on their blogs. I have not been ANY of those things. I don't want to bake yummy treats, do crafty crafts, decorate for Christmas, shop or much of anything. And I'm sure no one wanted to know how I was really feeling even if I could sit at a computer for more than 2 minutes.

My house does not have any holiday cheer in it and it is what December 7th! Usually we have it all decked out the Sunday after Thanksgiving. It looks just as it did in August. Well maybe dirtier and less organized.

There are NO good smells from the kitchen. I can't really handle any smells of any kind right now. To prove my point ask the lady at the makeup counter in Nordstroms who I almost threw up on when she had me try on a lipstick which she swore had "little if any fragrance". THERE WAS A FRAGRANCE AND IT WAS VANILLA!!!! She noticed it to after I started violently gaging in front of her.

Why you ask? What has happened to make you so Grinch like? Well if your not on Facebook then your still in the dark. We (meaning me) are having baby number 4 in June. I was so excited when I found out but at about week 5.5 I fell into a black hole of sickness. Todd has had to do a lot more than normal around here. While I

have been getting to know this...

(no this is not by bathroom)

and this...
(not my bed, though I do love it!)

The doctor gave me some medication that helped a little but it made me so sleepy and dizzy I couldn't do much. Todd did all he could but when things became unbearable for him and the kids my mom was called in to get things back on track. Her first 8 hours here were spent entirely on feeding starving children and folding laundry. Sooo much laundry! After two weeks we were back on track (a little) and I knew I could make it till the Thanksgiving holiday when I would be back with my family. Kind friends also brought us dinners and had my children over for playdates. It all helped me soooo much. Thank you!

I'm 13 weeks along and have been able to stop the medication and eat regularly. I think I might be on my way back!

Now I just have to make up for the past 2 months I've missed. The kids and Todd might have to start therapy (just kidding, I'm not that important).

So that you don't think I'm a slacker I will list what you have missed since my last post.

1. The first day of school for Bella (kindergarten) and Sydney(second grade).
2. Bella's 6th birthday and a family party held in her honor.
3. Halloween- Bella was Dorothy, Sydney was a Sparkly 70's girl and Preston was some kind or robot or G-force guy (never quite understood). Todd took the kids to get their costumes.
4. The Ward Trunk-or-Treat night. Todd took the kids.
5. Halloween Night. We all made it out, it was a Halloween miracle.
6. My mom coming out for two weeks to take care of me and my family.
7. First Doctors appointment for me and baby.
8.First ultrasound of baby (we, meaning me and my sisters, named it Gummy Bear because that is what it looked like.)
9. Thanksgiving in Utah.

Well I'm hoping now I can return to blogging and the real world. I'm making progress, I went to the grocery store for the the second time in 5 weeks. This last time I didn't throw-up! Now that is progress.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Self Portrait by Sydney

Sydney was playing with my phone one day in the car. I didn't know she was taking pictures of herself. I just came across these pictures.
She is so beautiful!
My children are getting hard for me. Not in their behavior but in their continual growing. I know we are supposed to cultivate growth in our offspring, physical, spiritual, intellectual and all that. I love seeing them change and learn. 

What I'm having trouble with is knowing that when one phase is over there is no going back. 

I have forgotten what it was like to hold my newborn Sydney, or Bella and even Preston. I can't remember what they sounded like when they cried their toddler cry. 
So I'm trying to enjoy each phase, good and bad, with them because it really does go fast. 

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Preston!

Preston turns 3 tomorrow! (see I can't believe it, I wrote 3 when really he is turning 4!!!)
I really can't believe it. 
I know I say that with every child's birthday but this one is for real.

Four short years ago my parent arrived to help take care of the girls when I went to the hospital to have Preston.  I spoke with them a few day's before and told them it would be awhile so to sit tight and we would call them if things changed. Well they decided to come anyway and good thing they did. 

The day they arrived was the last day my doctor, Dr Ellis would be in the hospital before she left on vacation. Her nurse called me to check in just in case something changed since I last saw her two days before. We had a nice chat where I told her I was fine and feeling great. At the last minute as we were saying goodbye I mentioned that my kick counts went from taking 20 minutes to 45 but I still got them all in an hour. 

10 minutes later the nurse called me back saying the doctor wanted me to come in to get checked out. The nurse assured me I would be in and out in an hour, it was just a precaution. I didn't think anything of it and since my parents were already here and I didn't have to worry about child care,  off I went to the hospital without even a bag, or a call to Todd.

I arrived at the hospital and the nurse hooked me up to a monitor. 
Again telling me I would be in and out in no time. I settled into a magazine and waited. 

30 Minutes later in walks Dr Ellis . 
She took a look at the tape, called the nurses in, whisper yelled at her for not calling her sooner, turned to me with a smile and said, "Your having a baby today!". 

My amniotic fluid was really low, so low that there was only one pocket left. I guess it was leaking out and I didn't notice. For those of you who have had the pleasure of being 9 months pregnant I don't need to explain why I might not have noticed. In my defense it must have been a slow leak. Anyway it was causing out little boy quite a bit of distress. So he had to come out. 

I called Todd he was there in record time, with my bag and 
by 4:30am our son was born!

It was a very easy delivery and everyone was healthy and happy! 
Preston has turned into the greatest little boy. He is loving, telling me many times a day how much he loves me, he is so funny, class clown I hear and he's a natural athlete, gets it from his dad!
Happy Birthday Preston. We Love You Soooo Much!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dinner Conversation

Here are a few things said at dinner tonight...

Bella and Sydney- "This AGAIN!!!!"  (we do not have left-overs but tonight I used the left-over pasta to go with the "fresh" main dish tonight)

Preston- "I don't like ketchup next to my chicken!" (crying, wailing!!!)

Bella- "You know how when you made this pasta last night and I liked it?" 
1/2 second later... 
"Mom, Mom, Moooommmm?????" 
Me- "Yes Bella"
Bella- "You know how when you made this pasta last night?"
Me- "Yeeeeesssssss Bella."
Bella- "Weeeellll, it tasted good last night. But not tonight."
Me- "Thanks for letting me know."

Preston- "Ya, I not like this pasta either now."

Sydney- "Do we have to eat all our dinner?"
Me- (Fake smile) "Just till your tummy is full."

Five seconds later...

Preston- "My tummy is full!"
Me-"O.k. but don't ask for more food later."
Preston- "Well actually I can eat a few more bites. Can I have liquorish when I eat all my dinner?"
Me- "Silence"

20 minutes into dinner and still no one as had more than two bites of food...

Sydney-"My food is cold."
Me- "Want me to heat is up?"
Sydney- (Eye rolling) "No, I don't like HOT food."

1 minute later...

Preston-"Don't look at me Bella!"
Bella- (Just staring at Preston)
Preston- "STOP looking at me!"
Bella- "I'm not."
Preston- "I saw you looking at me."
Bella- "I'm not. I'm looking out the window behind you."
Preston-"Stop looking at me."
Bella- "I'm not."
Preston- "STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!"
Bella- (Silently staring)
Me- BELLA!!!!! (Warning her with THAT LOOK!)

Sydney- "Even though I don't like this, I'm still eating this."
Me- "great"

Preston- "BEELLLAAA, Stoooppp Looookinggg at meeeee!!!!."
Me- "Everyone PLEASE EAT!"

Sydney- "If this electricity goes out what happens."
Me- "Nothing."  (To tired to get into it with her.)

Preston- "Sydney stop looking at me. Stop talking, I don't want anyone talking."

Bella- "When I eat this pasta with my applesauce the applesauce tastes weird."

Preston- "I ate a piece of broccoli. Can I have liquorice?"
Me- "No"

Preston- "Sydney!, Sydney!, Sydney!, Sydney!, Sydney!"

Sydney- "My food is cold still."

Bella- "My food is stinky"
Sydney- "Your Right!."

Sydney- "You know what I'm most afraid of?
Me- "No"
Sydney- "Bats! But only the babies because their so ugly. And that they suck your blood."
Bella- "Ya me too."
Me- (To tired to tell them not to be scared of baby blood sucking bats, sits and eats.)

Preston- "I wish our house was made of toys."
Bell- "No! Candy! A house made out of candy would be cool!"
Sydney- No, No, I wish our house didn't have a roof and then we could play outside in our room!"

Everyone laughing!!!

45 minutes into dinner and nobody is done eating yet...

What's it like at your dinner table?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Blogger Confessional

I'm sure none of you have ever been to "THAT POINT" that you just gave your kids a bag of cereal and left them on the couch to watch cartoons all morning.

I did!

1. When I asked kids what they would like for breakfast all I heard were shrieks and crying.
2. It was 6:30am.
3. I had 4 plies of laundry calling my name upstairs that needed to be dealt with.
4. I have been the camp councilor, entertainer extraordinaire, life guard and kid party animal for what like 9 weeks, and none of the kids seem better for it.

Fighting ensued at 9:43am and they are now in their rooms reading quietly. So far I'm enjoying this morning more then the day's at the beach, park, zoo, camping, soccer camp and playdates.

Feel free to tell me about any "Friends" bad parenting this summer.

Post Edit: I had a great birthday yesterday and will post about it when I get the pictures!

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Piggy Bank In My Garage!

I have a bad habit of taking things that are not being used any more and taking up valuable living space and throwing them into the garage. Once there I don't have to deal with the item and feel like I have accomplished something. 

That is until the garage gets so full I can't park my car in there any longer! I had a pretty good pile going recently and was dreading the day I would have to deal with it. 

Well Friday was that day.
 I couldn't take it any more and started going through the stuff that had accumulated. My first thought was to throw it in the car and take it to a donation center. 

I was standing in the middle of my mess when I had a light-bulb moment. 
I took out my handy-dandy iPhone and started snapping pictures of the things that were in good to great condition. I went inside downloaded the pictures onto my trusty Mac and began posting sales ads on 

I don't want to make you jealous by telling you how much money I have made this weekend but I'll tell you this much, my kids will be sporting some pretty great back-to-school clothes!

So a word of advice, if there are unused items taking up valuable square footage in your home, there is someone out there waiting for it with open arms!

Friday, July 31, 2009

I love summer at home! This is one reason...

Where else can you see your little man fly.
Over and over and OVER again.
Happy August!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sweet Dreams

We have a bed time routine that has not changed much over the past 7 years. The only thing that has changed has been the length of time the routine takes. Each additional kid has added 15+ minutes!
We usually have baths. Blow dry hair. PJ's and teeth. Then books, lots of books! Prayers, hugs and kisses, more hugs and kisses and then lights out. Or that is what I thought...

I guess now there is an after hours night life that I didn't know about going on. This is what I found when I went in before going to bed myself...

Sweet dreaming little ones.

BTY, Bella woke up with a pain in her neck, wonder why!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Family Reunion in the Redwoods

We had a great time in Northern California. We went to get reacquainted with some close relatives. All except one of my Dad's sisters and brothers that are still living showed up. He has 9!  As did most of their offs
pring who now have been busy multiplying and and replenishing this earth of ours. We all seem to have been 
on the same tra
ck for the the past 10 years. I believe
 there were more kids under 10 at the reunion then there were adults! It was such fun. 
Todd had never been to the Redwoods. 
I grew up camping there every summer so it felt like going home. 
I had to show him around so we tried to fit everything possible into the four day's we were there.

I was so happy that both my sisters came along with their darling children!
I think Grandma and Grandpa were pretty happy too!
Had to drive thru the tree of course!
The place where Sydney's front tooth decided to come out!

And we celebrated the 4th while we were there! 
Happy Day's!!
Sydney explaining why we shouldn't write our names in the giant log.
We really can't wait to go back. 

I'm missing my family already.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Father's Day Todd!!!

These pictures remind me what an amazing father Todd is.
He LOVES babies and would rock and hold them for hours. 
He loves toddlers. Thinks they are so funny and will play game with him for  hours.
 Over-all Todd loves his kid! 
He never tires of playing with them, teaching them 
new things or cuddling them.
And in return they think he is the "Awesomist, coolist, superhero" (the kids words) dad around.

Sydney and Todd her first day home.
Todd and Bella when she was minutes old.

Father and son (Preston is only weeks old) watching sports together. 
Can you see how content they are?

Love you, love you, love you.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Doing it the Tourist way!
We rented a bike for 5 and peddled our way around Corinado Island this beautiful weekend. It was so fun and the kids had a blast. They only wished they could have peddled also. So did Todd and I!

After a long day playing at Corinado Island all the kids fell asleep 
(well tried to look like they were asleep). 

Love that they are holding hands. 
Some other random cute snaps!

School is almost out and we are sooooo excited! We can play tourist all day every day!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

2009 Dance-off Champion - Torrey Hills!!!

Our man Preston won the dance-off at our annual neighborhood Easter egg hunt last week! We always knew he had the moves and he was so excited when they handed him the huge chocolate bunny for first place! And I've got the whole thing on video so looking forward to breaking this out in the future (like wedding reception, maybe for his prom date etc.). Classic!

Egg Hunts

"I found the Golden Egg!"

Did somebody say no more than 5 eggs each????

Proof that I do cook!


Todd here. So we broke out of our Carmel Valley bubble last week (seems like everything we need is within a 3-mile radius, so why go anywhere else?) and ventured South to Point Loma to check out the Lighthouse and the amazing views of the ocean there. There's also a great surf break called "donut holes" that's only accessible by boat but you can see it from tidepools by the lighthouse.

Cool "pirate ship" we spotted from up above.

Is it obvious that I was the only one that wanted to take this picture?

We see lots of lizards in our backyard, most of the time doing push-ups. I read an article that says that's how they communicate with each other (and how they get strong to climb). The kids thought it was hilarious so anytime we see a lizard we check to see if it's doing push-ups. Maybe this one at the lighthouse would still have a tail if he'd been doing his!