Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Preston!

Preston turns 3 tomorrow! (see I can't believe it, I wrote 3 when really he is turning 4!!!)
I really can't believe it. 
I know I say that with every child's birthday but this one is for real.

Four short years ago my parent arrived to help take care of the girls when I went to the hospital to have Preston.  I spoke with them a few day's before and told them it would be awhile so to sit tight and we would call them if things changed. Well they decided to come anyway and good thing they did. 

The day they arrived was the last day my doctor, Dr Ellis would be in the hospital before she left on vacation. Her nurse called me to check in just in case something changed since I last saw her two days before. We had a nice chat where I told her I was fine and feeling great. At the last minute as we were saying goodbye I mentioned that my kick counts went from taking 20 minutes to 45 but I still got them all in an hour. 

10 minutes later the nurse called me back saying the doctor wanted me to come in to get checked out. The nurse assured me I would be in and out in an hour, it was just a precaution. I didn't think anything of it and since my parents were already here and I didn't have to worry about child care,  off I went to the hospital without even a bag, or a call to Todd.

I arrived at the hospital and the nurse hooked me up to a monitor. 
Again telling me I would be in and out in no time. I settled into a magazine and waited. 

30 Minutes later in walks Dr Ellis . 
She took a look at the tape, called the nurses in, whisper yelled at her for not calling her sooner, turned to me with a smile and said, "Your having a baby today!". 

My amniotic fluid was really low, so low that there was only one pocket left. I guess it was leaking out and I didn't notice. For those of you who have had the pleasure of being 9 months pregnant I don't need to explain why I might not have noticed. In my defense it must have been a slow leak. Anyway it was causing out little boy quite a bit of distress. So he had to come out. 

I called Todd he was there in record time, with my bag and 
by 4:30am our son was born!

It was a very easy delivery and everyone was healthy and happy! 
Preston has turned into the greatest little boy. He is loving, telling me many times a day how much he loves me, he is so funny, class clown I hear and he's a natural athlete, gets it from his dad!
Happy Birthday Preston. We Love You Soooo Much!!!


Ann said...

You probably don't remember it but Marc and I came to the hospital that night to visit Cassie and her new baby girl and learned you were there too!!! So we poked our head in to see you too! I can't believe that was four years ago!!! We missed you today. How was the Wii?! :)

Erin said...

Oh he is too dang cute Katy. I can't believe he is four! I feel like we just had Ellie and Bella. They are growing up too fast. :(

Sariah said...

Happy Birthday to your cute boy!