Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Self Portrait by Sydney

Sydney was playing with my phone one day in the car. I didn't know she was taking pictures of herself. I just came across these pictures.
She is so beautiful!
My children are getting hard for me. Not in their behavior but in their continual growing. I know we are supposed to cultivate growth in our offspring, physical, spiritual, intellectual and all that. I love seeing them change and learn. 

What I'm having trouble with is knowing that when one phase is over there is no going back. 

I have forgotten what it was like to hold my newborn Sydney, or Bella and even Preston. I can't remember what they sounded like when they cried their toddler cry. 
So I'm trying to enjoy each phase, good and bad, with them because it really does go fast. 


Kath said...

Smart mamma!!

Jenn S. said...

Oh Katy - I tear up just reading this! The other night I was watching video of Kate when she was just a year old and I couldn't even remember her being so little (and this only 18 months ago!) Sigh - thank goodness for pictures and video right? :)

Sydney is BEAUTIFUL! And so lucky to have such a wonderful and thoughtful Mama. xoxo

Bake Party of 6 said...

Sydney is beautiful! I know we shouldn't have favorites, but I loved being her primary teacher!

Ann said...

I. Can't. Stand. It! I really can't. Your sentiments are mine exactly and so well said.