I have a bad habit of taking things that are not being used any more and taking up valuable living space and throwing them into the garage. Once there I don't have to deal with the item and feel like I have accomplished something.
That is until the garage gets so full I can't park my car in there any longer! I had a pretty good pile going recently and was dreading the day I would have to deal with it.
Well Friday was that day.
I couldn't take it any more and started going through the stuff that had accumulated. My first thought was to throw it in the car and take it to a donation center.
I was standing in the middle of my mess when I had a light-bulb moment.
I took out my handy-dandy iPhone and started snapping pictures of the things that were in good to great condition. I went inside downloaded the pictures onto my trusty Mac and began posting sales ads on www.Craigslist.com.
I don't want to make you jealous by telling you how much money I have made this weekend but I'll tell you this much, my kids will be sporting some pretty great back-to-school clothes!
So a word of advice, if there are unused items taking up valuable square footage in your home, there is someone out there waiting for it with open arms!
Are you serious???????????? I think of doing that but then think it won't be worth my effort. I need you to come help me!
Now you're MY idol! Although I will say I have tried this and zero people wanted my stuff, even though it was practically new. I'm so glad it worked for you!
And how nice of you to use the money on your kids' clothes. I'd be heading straight to the nearest spa. :)
Love Craigslist. I got a little Craigslist happy once and starting selling everything we had...Kenny had to stop me from selling stuff we use...like our furniture.
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