Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It FINALLY Happened.

When Sydney's first Christmas approached I did what every mom does during Christmas time and took her to have her picture taken with Santa.  I thought this would be a fun Christmas tradition that we would do every year.  Well that first photo session was so horrible for me, watching her screaming and crying that I never really made a good attempt after that. 
Over the years we would get close to a Santa and I would think maybe we should try this again. But as we made an approach Sydney and Bella would always say No, No, Noooo!!! And later when Preston joined the party he would just scream. 

Then I got my hopes up at our ward Christmas party this year. The girls are older now and Preston does just about anything they do. Really I thought the clincher  was that Santa was giving out CHOCOLATE to all the little boys and girls who came to sit on his lap and tell him what they wished to get for Christmas this year. THIS IS THE YEAR! Our children are crazy for chocolate and I thought would do just about anything to acquire some of that dark gold.
We had our camera ready and I was staying calm with an encouraging smile on my face. You know the one that says, this is perfectly normal kids, everything is just fine. Just don't screw this! Please, please, please!

 But as we got closer, the girls on either side of me holding my hands and Preston with Todd, I innocently asked Bella what she was going to ask Santa for. She looked up at me with her lips tightly clamped together, shakes her head quickly from side to side and says, "He already knows I'm notty!"  Drops my hand and skips away to join her friend Rebeca without a second look back. 

I sputtered after her,"What did you do!!??". 

Then Sydney let go of my other hand took a chocolate from Santa's helper and ran off. Same went for Preston. 

No sitting on Santa's lap. No picture...

Until later the next week.... 
Todd and I had to be in it with them but we did it! First ever Wilson Santa picture. 
And we all survived.


Erika said...

How funny-I loved your description of everything! My kids were terrified of Santa for years but I think we're finally past that point. He IS really scary if you think about it-this big, strange, red man with lots of facial hair and a scary deep voice--frightening!

Maddie and April Lloyd said...

What a funny story and such a great picture! Love it!