Thursday, December 4, 2008

Night Swimming!

Let me first say that I LOVE Fall and Winter weather. I love to wear boots and coats and sweaters. I just look better in layers I guess:). Really though the colder weather did not seem to get here soon enough. But The Family is missing the pool! I'm not a huge fan of the pool mainly because it's wet, cold plus there are tons of germs but mainly I admit don't like wearing a swim suit. But I do it (and the beach which I do love BTW) all spring and summer and into the fall.So I'm a little burned out on it.
 Here is our last session at the pool back in early November. It was still so hot that we went swimming in the evening. We were there unit it was very dark and everyone else had gone in. I'm not kidding when I say that I still I hear 5 time a week, "When are we going NIGHT swimming again!".
I say, It's tooo COOOLLLDDDD! Then I laugh a little because it's 60 degrees which to most of you looking in on my blog is considered very warm especially for November and December.

So I'm saying GOODBYE to the pool until at least May. Sorry kids. But it's time to start decorating the house for Christmas and wearing our cute winter clothing. Please don't be surprised though when you run into Bella in shorts and t-shirts still. She is the hardest to convert to the winter wear. That is another post though. 


Shari said...

Hey Katy, long time, no posting eh? Glad to have you back. Loved the night swimming post. I'm a wimp for the cold water too. It has to be scalding outside for me to get in!

P.S. I sent you an invite to the debut of my new blog! Check it out in it's infant stages....i.e...very basic and boring but at least it's started!

Erin said...

Cute post Katy! I hear ya...time for winter already! Loved the pics of the kids in the pool with Todd.

Darci said...

Hey Katy! At this very moment my kiddos are swimming with William..It's 70, sunny and kinda feels hot! love to see your blog.