Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I have friends that make me giggle. I will get a text from them and what they write will make me giggle. I catch myself and look around to make sure no one is watching me and thinks I'm crazy. 

The texts are usually only a line or two relating to something we talked about in passing. Usually light but with some bite to it.

I love it and it makes my day. I will remember it later and there I am giggling or smiling to myself, like a crazy bag-lady.

I hope you all have a good little giggle today or give one to someone else. 

Happy Tuesday! 


Shari said...

I love that!!! Makes me want to think of something funny to text you.....working on that....

But I get these kinds of texts from my sister all the time. Total therapy.

Shari said...


Check your email....

Ann said...

Oh Katy! You know your texts make me giggle alone in my car all the time! Especially our late night texts about a certain show!