Monday, June 21, 2010

Twins 8 Years Apart

Todd and I couldn't get over how much Davis looks like Sydney when she was born. It is hard to tell from photos just how much they resemble each other but it is very apparent to us. We actually had a hard time naming him because we would look at him and think "Sydney"!

See for yourself. 

Note that Davis was born over a pound bigger than Sydney.

Sydney 5 Days old. 

Davis 4 Days old. 

I guess we only produce 2 different versions as I have called Bella and Preston twins for years now. 

On another note, I'm probably going to jinx myself but I have to say Davis has been such a great baby! He eats well, sleeps well and seems to be adjusting to our family really well. We have been so happy and relaxed. I really hope it stays this way. 

I feel so spoiled and lucky that Todd and my parents have been home to take care of me. What mother of 4 has this much time to relax and recover. I have also "allowed" myself this special time. I didn't do that with the other three. I thought it was more important to get up and start doing for everyone again as fast as possible. At least I can say I learned something over the past 8 years!


Shari said...

So proud of you for letting yourself be taken care of. It makes a big difference, or so I've heard. Never tried it myself. :)

I can't believe what a horrible friend I am and that I haven't been over to see that boy yet.

He's adorable and I'm so glad you're both doing great.

Becky said...

Congratulations on another adorable child! Such a blessing...sounds like he is calm and enjoyable, just the way a mother hopes it will turn out. Awesome!

Ann said...

Oh I love your baby boy. He is so sweet and you are right-he is a Sydney clone! I loved hanging out in your quiet, clean house, holding your baby and talking last night! And I am sooo excited for you to start running again! :)