See for yourself.
Note that Davis was born over a pound bigger than Sydney.
Sydney 5 Days old.
Davis 4 Days old.
I guess we only produce 2 different versions as I have called Bella and Preston twins for years now.
On another note, I'm probably going to jinx myself but I have to say Davis has been such a great baby! He eats well, sleeps well and seems to be adjusting to our family really well. We have been so happy and relaxed. I really hope it stays this way.
I feel so spoiled and lucky that Todd and my parents have been home to take care of me. What mother of 4 has this much time to relax and recover. I have also "allowed" myself this special time. I didn't do that with the other three. I thought it was more important to get up and start doing for everyone again as fast as possible. At least I can say I learned something over the past 8 years!
So proud of you for letting yourself be taken care of. It makes a big difference, or so I've heard. Never tried it myself. :)
I can't believe what a horrible friend I am and that I haven't been over to see that boy yet.
He's adorable and I'm so glad you're both doing great.
Congratulations on another adorable child! Such a blessing...sounds like he is calm and enjoyable, just the way a mother hopes it will turn out. Awesome!
Oh I love your baby boy. He is so sweet and you are right-he is a Sydney clone! I loved hanging out in your quiet, clean house, holding your baby and talking last night! And I am sooo excited for you to start running again! :)
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