Friday, November 7, 2008

Prop 8

I have not posted about Prop 8 but my friends and family know where I have stood throughout this campaign. I have never been so proud as I have been watching my friends and ward members doing what is they have been asked to do. It has strengthened my faith in the Gospel and in the democratic process. I believe strongly that Prop 8 was passed because the people were educated on what the Prop stood for. I have heard countless times that it passed because of "out of state funding" or that "the mormons bought the vote". I do not believe you can buy votes. I believe the money educated the people about what Prop 8 said and what it could mean for the future of our families. 

This article was forwarded to me from my friend Tiffany. She received it from her husband with one line, "Silver lining". I thought that summed it up well as you will understand once you read the article called "A Long Strange Trip it Has Been.  

And to my friends who do not share my same point of view please read also. 


Erika said...

What a great article!! Thanks for sharing, I'm going to pass it on. It's sad that the Mormons are being targeted for this, when there are so many other faiths and people out there who agree right along with us, not that I would want bad things to happen to them, it's just unfortunate. It's so nice for me to find other people who agree with how I feel, because there are obviously so many who don't. It bothers me that people think we're "haters". They obviously don't understand where we're coming from, and I love how you talked about people getting educated on the matter. I don't "hate" anyone--gays or anyone else. I have total respect for people who don't believe the same as I do, but I can't condone certain behaviors that I don't agree with. Am I rambling? I think so. I'll go now. Hope this made some sense. Thanks Katy!

Darci said...

Katy, thanks for posting about this important piece! I was so inspired by everyone's participation also!