Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I have friends that make me giggle. I will get a text from them and what they write will make me giggle. I catch myself and look around to make sure no one is watching me and thinks I'm crazy. 

The texts are usually only a line or two relating to something we talked about in passing. Usually light but with some bite to it.

I love it and it makes my day. I will remember it later and there I am giggling or smiling to myself, like a crazy bag-lady.

I hope you all have a good little giggle today or give one to someone else. 

Happy Tuesday! 

Monday, September 13, 2010

See What Happen's?

In the header it say's, "See What Happens". 

Well you can probably guess from the lack of posts what has happened. I have been busy in the real world with my family. I will start posting pictures tomorrow. I'm sure you can't wait to see Davis and his blessing day!

I have not spent a lot of time on the computer lately. Really I have not spent very much time doing anything considered non-vital! I've had a hard time understanding why I can't get everything done that I used to. Last year I blamed it on the pregnancy and how horrible I felt. So what is my excuse now that I'm feeling good, I'm getting sleep and the three older kids are in school? 

Well that question was answered when I ran into friend, well she was in her minivan sending her daughter into piano lessons and I was running my daughter out to my waiting minivan full of kids, so that might be considered a drive-by. Anyway, she asked me how I was doing with four kids now. She has four also so I was not afraid to tell her the truth which is, crazy but not as bad as I thought. She casually mentioned that she has found she has so much more time on her hands now that she is not nursing her youngest. 

I had a light bulb moment as I calculated how much time I spend sitting doing nothing except nursing Davis. If I had all those minutes free I would be getting so much more done!!! Why had I not realized that on my own. Probably because I'm pretty hard on myself and think I should be able to get everything done and done well. Not true anymore. So for a moment I thought the solution would be to start Davis on a bottle....

then I remembered that this is only a short time in my life that I will NEVER get back. 

So I'm going to go kick my feet up, feed my son and watch the laundry, dust and dishes pile up. Those things will always be there.