Sunday, April 27, 2008

Feeling Good!

After having three children in 4 years I realized I was really out of shape. My idea of "back to normal" had also changed after each baby. So about 5 months ago I took control and with the help of a professional I found out how off track I had really gone. Under the guidance of the most AMAZING women who is a certified trainer and dietitian I have lost 16 pound and 18 inches, which might not sound like a lot to those who watch "The Biggest Loser", but I'm only 5 feet 2 inches tall and had 20-25 pounds to lose. I'm not saying the work is over I still have a ways to go yet but I have come a long way.  

What has made me blog today is not the weight lose but how healthy and strong I feel. I was on the biggest high last week when I ran 7.5 miles without stopping. I did it in just a little over an hour and I felt sooo great. Understand that in December I could not even run 1 mile straight! Running has not been my focus during this period but I decided to give it a try because I had a mental block with regards to long distance running. For the first time in 6 years have confidence in my body and in it's strength. I have had the confidence to try new classes at the gym and I entered my first race this May. I'll keep you posted on how that goes!


Jackie Howe said...

WOW! Congratulations on loosing 18 inches. I know for us 5'2 girls, that's a lot. You did not look like you needed to loose that much! I can't wait to see you and the kids next wednesday.

Erin said...

Good for you Katy! You look amazing...but then you ALWAYS do!

Anonymous said...

Katy, that is soo soo inspiring! I am impressed with the whole running thing! I'm seeing a marathon in your future:) And to top that off, you really do look fantastic! Love the blog, love the music!

Anonymous said...

Katy, that anonymous is me, Darci, I don't know what happened to my password? technology is still stumping me after all these years!

Anonymous said...

ummmm....Katy sorry to correct you, but I feel I need to notify you that Sydeny is older than 4 - so technically you have had 3 kids in 6 years. You know me - just trying to stir the sh*t. Your awesome though - I maybe able to work power tools but you can run 10 frickin miles - Rock on!!!!!