Thomas the Train and a simple trip to Target started this whole debate. Let me just start by saying I am in no hurry to have Preston potty trained, this has happened on its own. Todd believes it is to soon, but I say if it happens, WOO HOOOO!
Preston and I were at Target when he saw Thomas the Train underpants. They did not have his size but he was set on getting them and wearing them. I searched the other Target in our area and came up empty handed. I did find Deigo though brought them home. Preston loves them and has wanted to wear them for the past two days. I was not prepared to start potty training and really don't know if he is all that ready. He has the basic signs for readiness like not liking a wet or dirty diaper, going long stretches dry and he has gone in the potty by himself. The only thing is he does not like the potty chair I have for him so I thought maybe the above Thomas the Train potty seat might do the trick.
So the question I have for you is would a new potty like this work and is it to early to potty train a boy. By the way he will be 3 on the 25th of this month. All advice is welcome.
Its not too early if he wants to do it. You may as well get the potty and if he's not ready he can just use it later. That's my opinion.
I just see how it goes! How is The Book so far??
I have 3 words to describe....
I was speechless at first, even a tad angry, now I'm hooked.
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