We had a really great weekend. Nothing special but that's what made it great!
We didn't have to be anywhere, no visitors (not that we don't really love visitors, it's just rare that we don't have someone in town during a holiday) and we didn't have any plans.
We were able to do what we wanted, when we wanted to. Which helped Todd and I chilled a little more than we normally do. Which is not much considering the life we lead!
There was a little rain, good food and for me some great runs.
The weekend ended on a high note
with sunshine and a beach day.
I believe Saturday morning started the weekend off right.
I wanted to go for a run but didn't feel good about leaving Todd with all the kids when he had a lesson to prepare for all the teens 12 years old to 17 on Sunday. (This is one of his fun new responsibilities in the bishopric. On a 5th Sunday he will teach a lesson to all the youth! I hear he did great! I knew he would though.)
So I thought I would just take Davis with me in the jogger. Then I had a great idea (thanks to Deanne and her influence on me) to take the girls with me. They rode their scooters and were able to keep up. I was worried they would start complaining but they never tired. We were able to go for almost 5 miles. I was so impressed with them. And they LOVED IT!
The weekend ended with a sunny warm day. So after a Memorial Day "Fun Run", followed by a pancake breakfast and flag ceremony put on by the Boy Scouts from church,
we cruised down to the beach.
We were worried about crowds and taking Davis but both ended up not being a problem.
Davis LOVED every minute of the beach. We stayed for 4 hours and left when we felt like it.
I just love my little beach bums.
Sydney even got out and did some boarding.